Each Monday during the school year, we endeavor to instruct our children deep in the Word of our Lord in ways that a Sunday or mid-week gathering cannot provide. We loosely model our daily schedule after a child's typical school day, beginning our day at 8:00 and ending at 4:00.
Classes include:
- Bible
- Scripture Memory
- Church History
- Christian Heroes
- Missions
- World History
We do provide ample time for recreation and also group activities led by HBC church members that are both fun and educational.
It is our desire to heed the words of Paul when he instructed believers to "bring them [children] up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." (Ephesians 6:4)
The Bible Academy is open to the school-aged children of members of HBC.
Please contact us with any questions...we hope that you will commit to having your child attend!
To God be all Glory!